

We here in the SMMS office know all too well what it’s like to have too much to say but not enough time or space to say it.  For a few lucky Tweeters this will be a problem no more, or at least for today.  Twitter has announced that for a brief time they are trialling a 280 character limit, that’s double the amount that they’d previously provided, giving you plenty more options when it comes to sharing advice, daily news or unwanted opinions.  The idea sounds great but are we too attached to old school twitter, where 140 characters defines a tweet?  Twitter is well known for being a base for opinions and daily announcements, one which you could glance over and read in a couple of words for each post.  Quick, simple, easy.  Start expanding that tweet character limit and what do you have?  Facebook?  I guess we’ll have to see, right now they are only rolling this out to verified individuals.

In the meantime, why not read some of our top tips when it comes to using Twitter for Business and TV?

Hashtags – Hashtags are one of the most vital tools when it comes to Twitter.  A tweet with hashtags gets twice the amount of engagement than tweets without.  Despite this, when you use more than two hashtags your engagement drops by 17%.  It’s important you get the right balance, make sure they’re relevant to your post, fun and if you’re going for the more professional approach, use hashtags that will draw in a larger audience. #advice #smms

One of the biggest features of Twitter is the ‘Re-tweet’ button.  This gives you the opportunity to share a whole post written by another account.  It’s important that you don’t just share your own content, as a business/TV series you want to engage with clients or fans and show support to other companies you are working in collaboration with.  This will help you to develop professional relationships and establish you as a go-to-source for valuable information.

New styles of tweets are always being introduced, one of the more recent additions to the tweet family is the ‘Poll’.  This is an integrated way of receiving customer and fan feedback or simply adding variety to replace your everyday tweeting system. Follow the trending hashtags and if you see something fun trending e.g. #NationalCupcakeDay, then put out a poll, ‘We’re getting hungry in the office/on set today seeing all these #NationalCupcakeDay tweets, what’s your favourite flavour?’
This is a quick way to get people to interact and is an easy way to add a little bit of fun to your professional profile.

If you’re not one of the lucky ones who has been chosen for the new 280 character limit then there are ways you can get your point across in more than one sentence. Use video. You can tweet out a video of up to 30 seconds and tweets that have visual media attached are renowned for getting more engagement. It’s win, win.

If you’re not video savvy then use photos instead, you can upload up to four photos with one tweet and this style of tweeting is growing increasingly popular. Keep your content relevant and this is an invaluable way of drawing attention to your brand.

Let us know what you think about the new 280 character limit, keep tweeting and come and say hello @smms_guru!

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